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    Update: 21 Jan 2008

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Update: 21 Jan 2008 Tradej11

    Update: 21 Jan 2008 Empty Update: 21 Jan 2008

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 21 Jan 2008, 1:24 pm

    The 'Links' page has been updated. If you find a broken link, please report it to the Admin. Thank you. Also, if there is a link that you would like to see placed on the list, please send a private message to the Admin for consideration.

    Also, the 'Episode Guides' page has been updated. This link is found on either the Portal page under 'Main Navigation' or on the Links page under the same heading.

    The 'Episode Streams' links Bleach and Naruto, also listed under 'Main Navigation' on both the Portal page and the Links page, will now lead you directly to the respective episode channels we have set up on Veoh. The links under the 'Latest Editions' will still take you to the latest episode posted within the forum, tho.

    I'm sure most of you have already noticed the slight changes to the Portal page and the NavBar. Along with those changes came the removal of the 'Log In' link in the NavBar. You will now find a 'log in box' on the Portal page. This was done, in part, to ensure that the members notice the News, as there seem to be several members that continue to ask about something that has already been answered because they simply state that they 'didn't see it'.

    Finally.. Blackmamba has included two more members into her Ice Designs©️: Congratulations to both S1nist4r and Blueeyedpuppy! yay