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    Who is your favourite actor and actress?


    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by s1nist4r Thu 31 Jan 2008, 11:28 am

    I was wondering. Do you have a favourite actor and a favourite actress or not? If you do, then name them and maybe add a few words about why he/she is your favourite acter/actress.

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by KnucklesG Thu 31 Jan 2008, 4:08 pm

    Hmm.... Actors - Tom Hanks (amazing at dramatic scenes and Toy storys = pwnage), Russell Crowe (was in Gladiator one greatest movie of all time), and Denzel (hes Denzel u can't hate on him)

    Actresses - Jessica Alba (my goddess Who is your favourite actor and actress? 245150, also good actor and not just using her looks to get by shes actually pretty smart), and Angelina Jolie (Again.... another goddess and really good actor and contributes alot to the community Who is your favourite actor and actress? 245150)

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by CommanderStarDud Thu 31 Jan 2008, 5:27 pm

    Well the only actor I can think of would be Sean Connery Who is your favourite actor and actress? 245150 and the acctress umm none that I can think of right now

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by *TsuBasa* Sat 02 Feb 2008, 8:41 pm

    i have a few favorites. The first actor that comes to mind is Ewan McGregor. Moulin Rouge is what did it for me. If anyone has seen the movie Stay, that one is also very well done. An awesome psychological thriller. And speaking of Stay, that also brings Ryan Gosling to mind (he's the main character in Stay). He is a very talented actor, and i swear my friend's brother looks exactly like him. LOL
    Oh, and I can't forget about Ken Watanabe. Who is your favourite actor and actress? 742991 *gasp* and Johnny Depp. big grin

    As far as actresses go, I really like Meg Ryan and Nicole Kidman. Both really talented. Oh! And Uma Thurman.

    Knowledge : Who is your favourite actor and actress? Graphi10

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by blackmamba Sat 02 Feb 2008, 9:42 pm

    My favorite actor is definitely Johnny Depp. Besides from the fact that he looks good, he's also very versatile.. and that's what I like about him. He can play his roles amazingly. He's one of the actors that can actually pull off a role, than nobody else can.

    My favorite actress is Kate Beckinsale. Serendipity was the first movie of hers that I've seen. Since that, I've been wanting to watch her movies. Underworld is really cool, since I'm into vampires. Well, I guess that's all I can say about her. I don't know why, she just is.

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by stan_da_man Sun 03 Feb 2008, 12:29 am

    I personally enjoy Samuel L. Jackson's movies. I also like John Travolta and Brad Pitt. His performance in Fight Club is one of my favorites. As for actresses, I have to go with Nicole Kidman.

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by s1nist4r Wed 06 Feb 2008, 9:21 am

    I think that my favourite acter is Al Pachino because he has that certain something that makes me want to watch his movies. I don't really know how to say it but he has something in his nature that I really like.

    My favourite actress is Rosario Dawson. Of all the movies that I've seen she has always been the perfect choice to play the roles that she has played. I really like her attitude but I can't deny her beauty either.

    I thought I'd add some more acters and actresses that I like. I like Edward Northon, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Jessica Alba. There are a few more but I need to think a little before I can add them. Who is your favourite actor and actress? 693126

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by stan_da_man Wed 06 Feb 2008, 12:48 pm

    How could I forget Al Pacino!

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by s1nist4r Wed 06 Feb 2008, 3:05 pm

    stan_da_man wrote:How could I forget Al Pacino!

    Everybody forgets once in a while, it's natural. cute

    Who is your favourite actor and actress? Empty Re: Who is your favourite actor and actress?

    Post by KnucklesG Wed 06 Feb 2008, 6:59 pm

    lol ya i want to add some actors.... like Al Pacino( amazing actor and has that kind of acting rage that makes u want to watch him more), Edward Norton (hes in 2 of my fav movies.... Fight Club, and American History X... hes a good actor and should be well known Razz) , Leonardo Dicaprio (amazing actor loved the departed, Titanic was alright....) , Bruce Willis (He was amazing in Armageddon) and Mel Gibbson (Even tho he has bad rep he still is an good actor, he was good in Lethal Weapons, Brave Heart, Partiot *my fav*)

    also wanted to add Kiera Knightley... she was good actor at Pirates series and was good at Domino too Who is your favourite actor and actress? 245150

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