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    Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Update: 23 Feb 2008 Tradej11

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 23 Feb 2008, 5:58 pm

    Good News:
    It's been a month since the last posted update, and not much has been updated. The biggest updates are that we now have a Media Center forum and the gallery has been expanded (from 10Mb to 60Mb). We now have plenty of room to store those winning contest images made by the members, as well as displaying our own manga (once it gets finished), and a place to post all the episode and manga downloads, as well as the streams.

    There are more updates coming soon, but just to get some interest resparked, I will be asking another member to help out with the RP Board, as that APC (admin control panel) is much more advanced than this one and requires more of my time than I am able to donate right now. So as you may have noticed, I am trying to bring some updates to you every month, and the next due date for the next major update will be March 20, 2008, the first day of Spring!

    What is it that you can look forward to?
    The RP Board in full functionality with scheduled battles.
    Another forum art contest will begin as we define the winner of our current contest.
    Thanks to Jimwhat, who probably thought I forgot all about him and his hard work, we will have our own IRC channel where we can ALL share anime and manga with each other.
    Premium accounts will also be set up (with finite details to be given next month).
    And... there is already something in the works for a major 'expansive' update in April.

    So that's that! While the only updates made for February have been the new layout of the portal page, the update of the Main Navigation and Member Navigation links on the portal page, the addition of an RSS Feed link for the forum, the set-up of the Media Center under the Member Community category, and the paid expansion of the gallery, next months upgrades are sure to be bigger.

    Bad News:
    For those that don't know, you can view the overall forum stats by scrolling to the bottom of any page and clicking on 'Statistics'. Unfortunately, our member enrollment has dropped, our new topics have dropped, and our posts have dropped. We've been on a downward spiral for the past 3 months.. this is not good. The best thing that we, as a community, can do to help ensure that our forum sticks around, is to be active!!!

    It seems that during the month of December, we had the major holiday known as Christmas interfere with our attendance and posting, then came along January that was filled with major school projects due, and now that February has come and is just about gone, it seems that enthusiasm for both the forum and the forum manga have simply vanished and been replaced with online gaming. Let's not forget that we have a means of interacting and setting up our own online gaming via an arcade and RP, but personally, I don't feel it is right to be disappointed that those things have not been finished in order to appease when the help requested in order to bring those things to you has not been forthcoming.

    It is understandable that we all need a break from the foruming, and that we all find other interests as well, but in order to keep our community alive, the community needs involvement.

    So again.. that's that! The end of the bad news, too.

    I hope to see more of you here and active in the forums, as I am currently looking for two global mods and as mentioned earlier, another admin for the RP Board in order to bring you more of what you love about AD.. a home away from the real world.

    And don't forget that time is ticking down on that Spring Art Contest, so get your creative juices flowing and start working on that art! You can keep up with the deadline by checking out the countdown clock on the portal page.

    I hope everyone has been enjoying the first part of 2008, and look forward to having a blast with all of you as we approach our first year anniversary coming up in September. Update: 23 Feb 2008 693126

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by sharingan09 Sat 23 Feb 2008, 8:03 pm

    ..ok i see, so kyori what does the global mod do and what does the RP admin do, also where is the RP bored o_O sorry if im being noobish blush

    *Edit: i found the RP site and i have to register to be able to go on the site? or do i have to also be part of something else to be able to go on it?
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Update: 23 Feb 2008 Tradej11

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 23 Feb 2008, 8:31 pm

    You do have to register for it, but you can sign up with the same username and password that you use here. Once I get things worked out, you'll be set up into the ANBU group there.

    The Global Mod will be responsible for maintaining the forum whenever I'm away. Like last week I was gone and there were episodes and manga chapters that needed to be posted, but I was unable to do so. The Global Mod would pick up that slack.

    The RP Admin will be responsible for making sure everything is done. I'm not sure how else to put it, but that's pretty much what it is. It's not that the ACP on the RP Board is difficult, it's just structured in a way that it takes awhile to set things up.

    Just to let everyone know, I already have an idea of who I'm going to ask to help admin the RP Board, but Global Mods are still up in the air. I'll have more info on that in the coming week.

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by sharingan09 Sun 24 Feb 2008, 3:53 am

    I could be a Global Mod if your willing to give me the position i can always post up manga and anime for naruto and bleach but sometimes on rare occasions i might be capped for the rest of the month so sometimes i cant upload the anime episodes but it wont happen very often.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Update: 23 Feb 2008 Tradej11

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 24 Feb 2008, 11:53 am

    I haven to say that you're here quite often, Shar, and you have remained very active with the posting for both Bleach and Naruto. That's always a plus in my book, as well as a requirement. Wink Thank you. I'll post more info up in a few days.

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by blueeyedwolf Sun 24 Feb 2008, 11:23 pm

    if You need me to help you out I can as things are calming down here finally. I have over half a terrabyte of hd space as well as unlimited bandwidth. So yeah anything that you need help with I can try my best to give you a hand.

    I'll try to be more active and I apologize for my absence, just the last two weeks were... well lets just say not good.

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by stan_da_man Sun 24 Feb 2008, 11:56 pm

    Same here, I have around 750 Gb's of HD space and I can also be a global mod.

    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

    Post by hollow-ichigo-fan-boy Mon 25 Feb 2008, 10:31 pm

    YAY! An update, I was wondering where the statistics whent. Thanks Kyo!

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    Update: 23 Feb 2008 Empty Re: Update: 23 Feb 2008

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