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    The End of Faith


    Knowledge : The End of Faith Musici10

    The End of Faith Empty The End of Faith

    Post by Watari Sat 30 Aug 2008, 1:36 am

    I just started to read this book called 'The End of Faith' by Sam Harris and so far this book is absolutely captivating, I'm only 30 pages in and this book just beckons me to read more! Here's a little excerpt that I found really interesting considering the upcoming presidential elections;

    "Of Course, religious moderation consists in not being too sure about what happens after deth. This is a reasonable attitude, given the paucity of evidence on the subject. But religious moderation still represents a failure to criticize the unreasonable (and dangerous) certainty of others. As a consequence of our silence on these matters, we live in a country in which a person cannot get elected president if he openly doubts the existence of heaven and h ell. This is truly remarkable, give that there is no other body of "knowledge" that we require our political leaders to master. Even a hairstylist must pass a licensing exam before plying his trade in the United States, and yet those given the power to make war and national policy - those whose decisions will inevitably affect human life for generations - are not expected to know anything in particular before setting to work. They do not have to be political scientists, economists, or even lawyers; they need not have studied international relations, military history, resource management, civil engineering, or any other field of knowledge that might be brought to bear in the governance of modern superpower; they need only to be expert fund-raisers, comport themselves well on television, and be indulgent of certain myths. In our next presidential election, an actor who reads his Bible would almost certainly defeat a rocket scientist who does not. Could there be any clearer indication that we are allowing unreason and otherworldliness to govern our affairs?"

    I know that is a long quote but I needed to put all of it in to grasp just a small portion of what this book is about, I think this is an important book for people to look at and just at least read, even if you don't agree with him, it will give you some basic knowledge of what is being said on the other side of the fence and this would only prepare you to make arguments against his claims. I am finding myself reading this book and just questioning a lot of things that pertain to modern living, the author has a way of bringing to light the flaws of organized religion and why it's flawed, I really think he is making a good argument (so far) and I can wait to read more.

    The End of Faith Empty Re: The End of Faith

    Post by stan_da_man Mon 01 Sep 2008, 11:46 am

    Hey...that is far all of our Presidents have been Christian in one form or another.

    Knowledge : The End of Faith Musici10

    The End of Faith Empty Re: The End of Faith

    Post by Watari Mon 01 Sep 2008, 4:21 pm

    Yup religion has a huge influence in our government system, just think if someone ran that had no religious background, would society ever give them a second thought? i don't know

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