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    Twilight Series


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    Twilight Series Empty Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Mon 14 Apr 2008, 4:43 am

    I'm surprised no one has made a thread about it yet. o:

    Anyway, this thread is solely dedicated to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. There are so far three (3) books for this series: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse respectively. The fourth and last one entitled Breaking Dawn is going to be released come August 2, 2008.

    Vampire novel fanatics, here is one of the best Vampire romance books you could ever read - in my opinion. It's actually quite fun, because they're both madly in love with each other - but the girl's human. So just imagine the pain the vampire guy is going through whenever he's near the girl. There's an inside joke that Bella, the human girl, is Edward Cullen's "singer." Singer, because her blood sings for him. LOL.. It's quite interesting, and fun! Tons of action, and drama, and romance.

    Halfway New Moon, the second book, I got so irritated by Bella. You will all find out why, once you read it. It's really good! I've read those three books grand total of three days.. one book per day lol. Not to mention I spent all my savings for summer on it, too.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Mon 14 Apr 2008, 5:48 am

    hahaha....i remember i was gonna make this thread a while back...and never got around to it.

    I'm a huge huge fan of Stephenie Meyer's adaptation of vampires. I first came across Twilight a couple years ago at a Phi Theta Kappa (honor society) convention that was held at the University of Houston. I was kinda skipping some workshops (^^; ) and went to their bookstore just to see what they had. The cover caught my attention with the apple. I pulled it off the shelf and read the back...."Vampires!" I thought. I sat down and read....I read up to chapter 12 or so......then my friends came looking for me and my other friend. We'd missed all the workshops and everyone was leaving. I sadly couldn't buy it then...but as soon as I got home i ordered it online and soon finished it.

    Soooo good! xD


    I also can't wait for The Host to come out next month. I read the preview of it from her website and it looks so good....
    I also want her to publish Midnight Sun. That is going to be essentially the story of Twilight told through Edward's point of view. There's so much more that he goes through that I wanna know about.

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Tue 15 Apr 2008, 3:14 am

    LOL.. I remember the first time I saw that book - a friend of mine was reading it during lunch break and I saw the hand with the apple and screamed, "OMG. Twilight?! Can I see the back, just for a while, please?"

    After that, I rushed to the mall to find out that all copies were sold out. Although I did reserve all three books and got them after 3 days. *Buwahahaha* Salvation was mine. xD

    Yeah, I get Bella annoys people 95% of the time. Or maybe even more.


    I read it, too.. and lol, don't worry, I'm wondering the exact same thing. Twilight Series 245150

    Totally. I actually told my friend, "Ya know, I think Twilight series would be twice as interesting as it is now if Stephenie made it through Edward's point of view, and not Bella's."

    Reading the first chapter of Midnight Sun is just amazing. o: I was simply dumbfounded and confused on why didn't S.M. didn't do the Twilight series through Edward's point of view from the start. So much details, so many emotions! I really want to know just how it pains him to see Bella flirt with you-know-who, or the fact that her blood sings for him, etc. *sigh*

    I want S.M. to publish not only Midnight Sun, but also the versions of New Moon and Eclipse (and Breaking Dawn) on Edward's point of view. That would be so great.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Tue 15 Apr 2008, 4:02 pm

    Yeah, I probably should pre-order Breaking Dawn now...but I haven't gotten around to it. After I read Twilight and New Moon I was waiting for Eclipse, so I decided to read Twilight again b/c/ i was getting really antsy. Eclipse came in while i was reading twilight, but i just had to finish twilight and new moon one more time before i picked it up. My friends (who i got hooked on the books) were asking me why i didn't just jump into eclipse, but i felt it would have broken the cycle and timeline....LOL

    Yeah, I would absolutely love the books in Edward's p,o.v. He's just so much more interesting than Bella. But I suppose it being told through a human's p.o.v. would help S.M. to stray away from an Anne Rice-like feel.
    Nonetheless, I absolutely love these books. Sometimes the juvenile dialog would bother me, but I'd remember that's just part of Bella's character. Rolling Eyes And the typos! OMG....those things annoyed the hell out of me...soo many typos in all three books. But, I love the story, so i'm not gonna be choosy. ~.^

    Oh, yeah....what do you think of the movie they're making?
    I personally think the actors are mostly wrong....especially least his hair! It's horrible! Jasper and Emmett are do-able (as far as looks go)...and even Rosalie looks fine. But Alice doesn't look "pixie"-like to me at all.... Twilight Series 782501
    I've been disppointed, to say the least...

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Tue 15 Apr 2008, 4:47 pm

    I should pre-order Breaking Dawn now, too. Just to be safe.. I don't want to get killed by the anxiety if I had to wait a few more days or weeks before I can get it because it's sold out o.o

    Hmm.. that's true, I guess. Well.. it'd be better for her to make all those four books through Bella's POV, and Edward's. That way, it would definitely be like a collector's item and whatnot. I would buy that, even though they have the same story.. I must know about Edward's thoughts and I definitely want to know more about his character.

    I think Robert Pattionson's pretty okay, as Edward. But yeah, the hair's a bit off.. although they could have chosen someone more fitting fore the role. Right now, I have no idea who can pull off Edward's character in Hollywood. Jasper looks gay (no offense. It's just the hair and stuff..) while Emmett is far from his hair described in Twilight. He does look buff and all that, though. So I guess that's okay. Rosalie's fine, too. And Alice.. I think Ashley Greene is absolutely gorgeous, and she would've pulled off the vampire look more if she didn't cut her hair. Although I can't blame her because she's a short hair in the book. *sigh* I guess we'll just have to wait and see the movie. Wink

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Fri 18 Apr 2008, 4:43 am

    yeah, i guess you're right. I guess i just started envisioning S.M's dream cast that she'd posted on her website as the characters.
    I still want to know who will play Jacob. he's such a key role. Do you know anything about that?

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Fri 18 Apr 2008, 5:32 am

    Just like S.M., I want Jacob to be Steven Strait. lmao But.. it's Taylor Lautner - some kid who's a year younger than me. I guess they'll have to choose an older version of Jacob if they want to make a movie out of New Moon and Eclipse, too. But.. since Jacob's still pretty human in Twilight and not a freaking buff giant, guess a teen could be fine. I'm not impressed by the choice, though.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Fri 18 Apr 2008, 5:01 pm

    Okay, so I started searching video clips of the Twilight movie--and maybe I'll watch. It seems they fixed Alice's hair...and even Jasper's is looking less "I'll-meet-you-at-the-club-after-golf". LOL I just may watch it--and be excited for it.

    Though it will take a very very long time to get used to Jacob looking like---well like a kid.
    Isn't he 15 in Twilight? He a kid. :/ Blahhh.... I couldn't profess myself to be a Jacob-lover without being an pedophile. oops

    Anyway I found this clip and I like it:

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Sat 19 Apr 2008, 3:38 pm

    Thank you for sharing the vid, Tsubasa! It's an awesome one. Twilight Series 693126

    Yeah.. guess it does seem like they fixed Alice's hair. I don't know what's up with me though, and I continue on wishing her to grow longer thair o.o Lol. Jasper's hair is fine on that video, too. In the pictures they made it seem like he's a nerd.

    Yeah, Jacob's 15 in Twilight. Well.. I never liked Jacob. Not even one bit. I mean, sure I don't despise him but I don't like him, either. Neutral for me. lmao

    Lmao. It's pretty cool how they want to kick Harry Potter's butt off the Box Office. As much of a Harry Potter fan I am, I think I'll be with the vampires this time. And I hope, that the movie doesn't disappoint us.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Sat 19 Apr 2008, 10:15 pm

    yeah...i hope so too. It's always so hard seeing a novel to movie. It so seldom pleases me. One of the few exceptions has been Interview with the Vampire, even though they cut out a whole lot from the book, I think it still did Rice justice. And I will most definitely be siding with the vamps. LOL

    Aw, how could you not like Jacob? I always felt so so so bad for him. He was there for Bella so much. My heart nearly broke for him when she compared him to Paris from Romeo & Juliet. *sigh* It's such a sweet story. Poor wolf boy. LOL But now he really is a kid! oops hahaha....

    And after I saw that movie, I started wondering if my friend really did travel to the movie set. She told me she was going to cos she's so obsessed with the books. But she lives out of town and i don't speak with her regularly. I do wonder though....hehe

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Sat 19 Apr 2008, 11:04 pm

    Yeah, I definitely have to agree. One bad thing when seeing a novel to a movie is that.. yeah, it does seldom please you. Why can't they just stick with the effin' novel?

    I don't know why I don't like him.. yes, he has been there for Bella so much, although sometimes, he's sooo I don't know.. would you call it 'annoying'? Lmao. I guess I just don't like him being mean to our Edward. lmao And LOL yes, he definitely is a wolf boy. A buff and a giant one at that.

    I would envy your friend if she was able to go to the set. I mean, '*gasp* VAMPIRES BITE ME.' Lmao.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Wed 14 May 2008, 2:03 am

    just wanted to post, cos i'm excited, that i bought The Host yesterday! xD
    I've been waiting for this one. It's definitely going to be a different kind of read...body-snatchers/invasion/sci-fi/romance. LOL. I can't wait to read this one! I'm on the second chapter so far. it says in the back panel that this is her first novel for adults. I wonder why the reader rating is different? I knew the Twilight series were directed at teens so hmm...what's different with this one?
    I'm gonna go read now!

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Wed 14 May 2008, 1:35 pm

    I've already finished it. It's quite interesting. Twilight Series 693126 Although of course, it can't be compared with Twilight since they aren't the same.. but it's a good book! ^^

    LMAO. This is the Twilight Series thread o.o Oh well. xD I'll just post something to keep the thread going.. I'm really interested on what's going to happen on the fourth book, "Breaking Dawn" (I don't know why everybody's thinking the fourth book is the Twilight in Edward's POV version o.o) 'cause since something big happens for every book, I wonder what Stephenie has in store for us on the last book for the series. ^^

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Wed 14 May 2008, 8:41 pm

    I absolutely can't wait for Midnight Sun (Twilight in Edward's p.o.v.)
    I now I'm defnitely buying that one. It'll be a way to keep Twilight alive a little longer before we can say the series is really over. Though I can't wait for Breaking Dawn either. Just 3 more months to wait. ^^

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Thu 15 May 2008, 1:08 pm

    I can't wait for "Midnight Sun", either! I think it will give us a totally new taste in Twilight.. especially since it's from a vampire's point of view! Just 3 more months until sheer ecstasy! Then we'll fill this thread up with tons and tons of discussion about the entire series. lmao

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by stan_da_man Thu 15 May 2008, 9:01 pm

    The first time I heard about Stephanie Meyer(Did I spell her name right?) was when I was reading Time's 100 people who changed the world and stuff. And she was on the list! Then I saw two of my friends reading Twilight and Eclipse...I seriously need some new books to read.

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Fri 16 May 2008, 1:25 pm

    It's Stephenie. ^^

    It's actually a good book, Stan! Especially if you're interested in vampire literature. It's not like Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles, though.. because this is more on forbidden love and all that. When you think about it, at first you think it's so meh and all.. but the action's awesome! ;D

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Sat 17 May 2008, 10:58 pm

    yeah, sometimes it can seem a little juvenile, but then again, it's intended for a teen audience. But the way Meyer's captures her characters...she just makes everything so real and vivid. One of my favorite books ever! ^^

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:37 pm

    okay, it's been a couple months since i last posted (or anyone) so i just wanted to add that Breaking Dawn came out August 2nd. I sadly haven't finished it yet.... T^T
    I would have been done by now but as most of u know marching band hell week has been kicking my butt...i actually didn't have to go onto the field today! OoO

    Anyway, this book is so intense. I'm almost done. I just need about 100 or so pages left which isn't much considering this is a 700+ page book. It went by way too fast.

    Still can't wait for Dec 12 for the Twilight movie....

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:23 pm

    ^ lol I finished the book in one day, just like the others. Even though it was a school night, I stayed up late or rather, didn't get any sleep because I wanted to finish the book. lmao

    I have to agree - the book went by too fast. When I finished the book, I was like, "This is it?" Everybody loves a good happy ending, but the ending happened a little too fast... too fast for everybody to appreciate it, in my opinion. I don't know, I wish Stephenie could've lengthened it more,


    Also, a friend of my told me and I've read it somewhere, also that the Twilight movie is now going to be shown on November 21, 2008, three weeks earlier than scheduled since the Harry Potter movie has been moved to summer next year.

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by KeybladesHeart Mon 25 Aug 2008, 1:38 am

    Cant wait for the twilight movie to come out..haha i still need to finish the book, TsuBasa got me to into it! i've heard it before but never really knew what it was about and why my other friends were so gaga over it Twilight Series 742991 haha but now i know why! gah cant wait to finish it so i can continue the rest!

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by *TsuBasa* Mon 25 Aug 2008, 1:49 am

    that's why you should be reading right now!
    Finish already---i suppose i shouldn't talk--i haven't touched breaking dawn in over a week.
    damn you marching band hell week for taking up all my reading time. >o<

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by KeybladesHeart Mon 25 Aug 2008, 1:54 am

    haha! the band was good though (even though it looks energy taking) but yes I'm going to finish it soon (yes soon) as long as i dont get distracted by...anyone..<_<..anything..>_>

    Knowledge : Twilight Series Graphi10

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by blackmamba Tue 26 Aug 2008, 8:30 am

    You both should definitely take time to read and finish the saga! It's a good series, overall. Although, in my opinion, Breaking Dawn isn't that nice compared to the first three.

    I will add more.. comments when you guys are done. Hopefully it will be soon! I can't wait to talk about it. bounce

    Twilight Series Empty Re: Twilight Series

    Post by Brutefox16 Wed 27 Aug 2008, 7:14 am

    I have yet to get breaking dawn, and I still never bought Twilight, but wheneer I go to the books store I'll get both.

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