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    Obama's Inaugural Speech

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Obama's Inaugural Speech Tradej11

    Obama's Inaugural Speech Empty Obama's Inaugural Speech

    Post by Kyouri Kai Tue 20 Jan 2009, 5:32 pm

    Love him, hate him, don't care either way.. one thing that cannot be denied is that Obama's 27-year-old speech writer (along with Obama's personal tweaks) wrote an enlightening piece of inspiration. And Obama's delivery of his first address was nothing short of amazing.

    Sure, there are always going to be people that nit-pick certain portions of what was said and extract some deeper meaning, which isn't too far-fetched as there were bits that could be, but overall, the greater message spoke to everyone of all races and all countries, and how a little bit of elbow grease and a great deal of hope can carry anyone through anything.

    If you'd like to read the speech, which took approximately 20 minutes to speak, you can find it easily on the web.

    Now, with that said, someone should have told him that he is the president of the United States and as Commander and Chief of the troops, he is to salute the troops as they pass by. I think he got the message when he reached out to shake the hand of a military man upon getting into his new presidential limo and the soldier saluted him instead.

    That can be taken two ways, and will probably be taken in many more diverse ways as we finally hear about it on the news or talk shows..
    1) Negative - He doesn't realize what being president means.
    2) Positive (my personal take on it) - It hasn't truly sunk in that he's the president (as seen during his luncheon) and because he's always seen himself as an average citizen, he doesn't see himself in a role as the top dog yet. (A bit off from how I really mean it, but it's a jist of what I mean.)

    How many of you watched the inauguration and what did you think about it?

    Even though I didn't vote for Obama, and still have serious reservations, if he can be the first president to live up to even a portion of his inaugural address, then I'll feel overjoyed that I was proven wrong. Believe it or not, even I found a renewed sense of hope in what he said, not only in him as our new president, but also in America as a whole.

    Obama's Inaugural Speech Empty Re: Obama's Inaugural Speech

    Post by *TsuBasa* Wed 21 Jan 2009, 5:51 pm

    Well I was really dissapointed I didn't get to see the inaugaural address due to of my classes was supposed to show it, but it was running slow (as in Obama wasn't swarn in within half an and he finally just said, "Guys i'm sorry, i have to do my job" and went about with class....

    I've yet to search for it online, I'm sure it's everywhere, but i must admit i'm a bit exhausted today. (quite a walk today going from one side of the campus to the other battling hills and whatnot), but from the clips I've seen (tho i realize they could have been manipulated) his speech must have been amazing, as all his speeches tend to be. I did not vote for him, though I wanted to.
    As both a student and a worker I pray that he really can help fix our economy and aid me in continuing with school. I know many members here will be entering college soon (or already have). This is a critical time for all of us...

    Obama's Inaugural Speech Empty Re: Obama's Inaugural Speech

    Post by stan_da_man Wed 21 Jan 2009, 7:16 pm

    I was in line at I missed it....I'll watch it online sometime this week.

    Obama's Inaugural Speech Empty Re: Obama's Inaugural Speech

    Post by hollow-ichigo-fan-boy Wed 21 Jan 2009, 9:02 pm

    My classes had it on during class. It was one of the greatest moments in history! Then it was lunch time and i missed the rest.......I saw half of the speech thought!

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