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    Watari's Band Name

    Which Band Name? (multiple choice)

    Watari's Band Name Vbar_l1033%Watari's Band Name Vbar_r10 33% 
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    Total Votes : 9

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Musici10

    Watari's Band Name Empty Watari's Band Name

    Post by Watari Wed 13 Jan 2010, 6:08 pm

    So I'm looking to get a feel for a band name that we've been throwing around and it's the only one I really like out of all the ones that have been suggested but I'm going to throw out 3 and see what you guys think would be a suitable band name for a serious band.

    Dripping Pitch
    Rooster Cogburn
    Adios de del diablo (or something like that... I can't remember the damn name)

    unlocked and poll added // Kyouri

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Lrules364 Wed 13 Jan 2010, 7:50 pm

    Not to be mean or anything, but you should start a poll for people to vote on your band name. I am going to lock this thread so you may start a new one with a poll in it.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Tradej11

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Kyouri Kai Wed 13 Jan 2010, 7:57 pm

    Personally I prefer Cogburn... dunno why... I guess I just prefer simpler names. But for a second choice I like Dripping Pitch. Watari's Band Name 693126

    P.S. Moved the topic to the General Discussions > Entertainment > Music area to reserve the Gallery of Arts for actual musical creations. Watari's Band Name 693126

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Musici10

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Watari Wed 13 Jan 2010, 8:39 pm

    Meh I didn't really feel like a poll was needed, it was more of a discussion to see what people liked, wouldn't it be up to the poster to decide if a poll is needed? Plus the band name is more or less gauged by people reactions not votes, I could have 50 poeple vote for one, but if those 50 can't tell me WHY they like it then I'm going to go with the potential 1 vote that told me exactly why they liked it, which is why I didn't put a poll up.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Tradej11

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Kyouri Kai Wed 13 Jan 2010, 9:42 pm

    Now now... no one was trying to outdo anyone here. And when people are given choices, usually there is a poll, and here on AD there also tends to be discussion to go along with it. Hence why I stated my choices in a post prior to adding the poll, to which it seems that I am the only one thus far to go with the discussion on the names. Razz

    So... with the choices that you posted, are these currently the names that your band is deciding between and are any of them seeming to be forerunners with you and the members? Do any of these names have any special significance to them? And btw... still waiting to hear what you guys have come up with. Personally I'd like to hear some more of the likes of what you posted up on Nakama, too. Watari's Band Name 693126

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Musici10

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Watari Wed 13 Jan 2010, 10:23 pm

    I understand usually being the case (I don't mind the poll being on there but consulting me on reason why there is no poll would have been nice, instead of locking it, is kind of what I was getting at)

    Currently these are what are being discussed, now as for the last one I didn't know how to spell it so that may not be a correct spelling but it was something Spanish like.. I think it was something about To God from the Devil, A Dios da del Diablo maybe? I don't know...

    None of the names have much in the way of being personal in any aspect so it's not like we're really stuck on one, we're just trying to get a feel for what people like in a band name and what sticks in their minds and they will remember. I will PM you my personal thoughts on the band name so I won't taint this thread Watari's Band Name 693126

    But as for sound, I'm really pushing to start recording soon, they want to do some live gigs which I'm not against but I reallllllllllly want to record so you guys can hear what we sound like, a lot of it does resemble some of the stuff that I posted up on Nakama but it's also very different b/c just jamming with these guys I have matured musically by a lot in just the 5 months we've been together Watari's Band Name 693126
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Tradej11

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Kyouri Kai Wed 13 Jan 2010, 10:33 pm

    Well before I read your pm, as for a name sticking in 'my' mind... either of the two I mentioned (Cogburn / Dripping Pitch) would probably stick there easily. I like Cogburn because it sounds like a name that you grow with and one that may surprise by the actual sound of the music, as where 'to me' Dripping Pitch doesn't sound like a lasting band's name... please don't ask me to explain that oops . But of course that's my personal opine! Watari's Band Name 245150

    And ... wow! If you guys are putting out what you were doing on Nakama, only with a more experienced sound, then I am most definitely anxious to hear it! Btw.... nothing would actually prevent you from reposting some of that earlier stuff here. whistles T'would be awesome to have your earliest stuff to go along with your soon-to-be professional tuneage. Wink

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Ichigobleachfan Thu 14 Jan 2010, 12:35 am

    I really like Dripping Pitch, I don't really know why I like it the best, it just sounds really cool and like it could have more meaning to it. Like the music just drips out and you hear it and it's like wow! Dang, that's good! And because it sounds like a really cool Rock name! Razz

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Musici10

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Watari Thu 14 Jan 2010, 3:25 am

    Unfortunately I have had to reformat my HD a few times since then so I actually don't have those recording on me but I will see if I can get them off the recorder this weekend or next Watari's Band Name 693126

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Lrules364 Thu 14 Jan 2010, 11:36 am

    Hey man. I think Rooster Cogburn seems like a good name. it sticks in your mind easily and it sounds awesome to me. It's like the band names that come from no where and then become famous.

    But posting in this thread is really depressing to me. I no longer have a band or belong in one so it is really sad to me. (not to mention that I was teaching my dad to finally play his guitar. Razz)

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by YukariSendou Thu 14 Jan 2010, 11:19 pm

    I think you already answered this. But I'm still going for it. Dripping pitch. Why? Cogburn and RoosterCogburn sound funny and I think that if you did the first one you'd be a hit. I think of anything else to say but that.

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Musici10

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Watari Sat 16 Jan 2010, 1:30 pm

    Well I guess this is all the votes we're getting for this one so I will go ahead and chime in here, Brandon (guitar/vocals) and myself personally like Cogburn, we have actually wanted that from the beginning, but Jeremie our Bass player didn't like it and couldn't come up with any real reason for it. We have spent about 2-3 weeks finding a name and it got tiresome hearing all the names that it really just got to the point of that it sounded like we were trying too hard.

    So last night we had a talk with Jeremie and we wanted to keep it a Democracy but sometimes Democracies don't work as well as you would like them to, so to appease all parties we're calling the band Cogburn for now and if something better comes along we'll talk about it then change it.

    One of the major reasons I like Cogburn over all the others is for one major reason, I got a better response amongst all age groups, Dripping Pitch was favored among the teenage groups as well as Rooster Cogburn, Adios del diablo was kind of put off because no one could remember it (Might be an album name with a a title track named that) So for now it's Cogburn until further notice Watari's Band Name 693126

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Marijane Sat 16 Jan 2010, 2:49 pm

    I forgot to vote. But I think that you chose a good name!
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's Band Name Tradej11

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 16 Jan 2010, 7:21 pm

    woot Good choice, Watari! Watari's Band Name 245150 You guys better get crackin' cause I'm ready to advertise for you on A~D! Watari's Band Name 44033

    Watari's Band Name Empty Re: Watari's Band Name

    Post by KageSenko Sun 17 Jan 2010, 4:19 pm

    I like the Spanish version, Adios A El Diablo (Goodbye to the Devil). But Dripping Pitch is another good one that no one has seen.

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