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    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn


    Knowledge : Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Musici10

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Watari Mon 25 Jan 2010, 4:10 am

    So as some of you may know, tonight was the first live show with Cogburn at the Middleway Cafe in Anchorage, AK. First let me start by saying a big THANK YOU to everyone on here for all the kind words of my solo music, it gave me the necessary courage to go in front of a room of 30 - 40 people and play a show tonight.

    Middleway Cafe is a local vegan style sandwich shop, they have non-vegan foods too but are mainly known for their Vegan ways (not my style but the Vegan community is pretty cool though) and they have a nice sized room to seat an easy 100 people, so tonight was not packed by any means. On their walls are paintings by local artist, mainly Alaska themed painting, polar bears, raves, grizzly bears, landscapes, etc, needless to say it's a very colorful place indeed.

    Now Cogburn was the first band up, we were starting up the show so we had a bit of pressure on us, we opened the set with Plush by STP, the song went flawless and people loved it, so we proceeded to play our second song "Dripping Pitch" an instrumental and then we played "Red Man/Blue Man" and then our last original "Sounds like Cherries", we ended the set with Foo Fighters "Everlong", I fucked up a chord on that song and it was apparent but they didn't kill me, overall we were sooooo well received, in fact we were playing to the biggest audience and got the best reactions out of all the bands, even the headlining band wants to try to book shows with us. So overall it was a great night, my ego is now inflated and it's just OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! It was exciting, I'm going to try to find someone with a decent video camera and take some video footage of our next show for everyone to see.

    Anyway sleep time for me, it's way past my bed time! Again Thank You everyone for your kind words and support, it's much appreciated!

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Lrules364 Mon 25 Jan 2010, 3:12 pm

    Congrats Watari for putting on a great show. And hey, as I learned in band class, If your going to make a mistake, make it big for the world to hear. I think that you guys will be going somewhere real soon. If you were that well received by a small audience, then a large one should draw some major record labels. Congrat's again man.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Tradej11

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 25 Jan 2010, 4:36 pm

    woot Excellent that things went well for you guys!!! I was really hoping that you guys would have somehow recorded your very first live performance, but hey, we'll be semi patient in waiting for the vid of your next show. Congrats, Watari and all the guys of Cogburn!!! yay

    So, at what point did your nerves settle?

    Knowledge : Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Musici10

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Watari Mon 25 Jan 2010, 5:30 pm

    Kyouri Kai wrote:So, at what point did your nerves settle?

    They settled!? Seriously though I was nervous through the whole thing which is why I was surprised that I only made that one mistake on Everlong, and it was a noticible mistake but everyone took it in good stride.

    I think someone was suppose to record it, but I think they forgot it at home. I think we may have even got some pics coming from it though I know I saw a few flashes here and there, though you would never see my face because I wouldn't look up Razz I was nervous enough playing but looking at how many were watching was another thing! When I get those pics I'll be sure to post them up here and yea Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn 693126
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Tradej11

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 25 Jan 2010, 6:13 pm

    Haha! You stared at your feet all night!? evil laugh Nah, I kinda assumed that maybe, since you only made the one minor (or was it in major? hehe) mistake that you kinda settled into the playing in front of an audience. Well if you did that great with your nerves playing you like you played your guitar, then I am super impressed!

    Ah, pix will do, too! For now anyway. Razz But seriously, just knowing that you're off and running with this now is wonderful! I am so happy for you!!! hug

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Marijane Mon 25 Jan 2010, 6:32 pm

    Yay! This is so exciting!! Congrats Watari! hug I am glad that everything turned out good for you and you band! *woot*

    Knowledge : Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Musici10

    Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn Empty Re: Watari's First Live Show with Cogburn

    Post by Watari Mon 25 Jan 2010, 9:45 pm

    Actually I stared at my fretboard all night, I was so nervous I just made sure I was doing everything I was suppose to, thinking 2 steps ahead and feeling like I could pee my pants any minute, on the last song I developed an evil twitch in my right leg which I was using to keep my time of course.. so that sucked.. but overall I'm really happy the way things turned out and the next show I should be less of a wreck (which I wasn't much of one to begin with but... yea)

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