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    Harry Potter

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 1:32 am

    You've read, or heard about it.. I know you have. I personally own all 7 books, and have read each one of them more than three times.. except book 7. I only read book 7 once.

    I thought the way Rowling ended book 7 was perfect. It was the first time I didn't look forward to another one. She did a great job with the ending!!

    I read on her website that she was thinking about doing a book 8, but it would only cover all those characters that were sort of mentioned but not actually produced in either the film or book series'. The only reason I'd purchase it would be to have the complete set. Harry Potter 245150:

    The most tearful moment for me was when Dobby died. That part got to me more than Sirius' or Dumbledore's death.

    I knew Draco would end up being a good guy in the end, and as for Snape.. no surprise there either. Razz But the way Rowling presented Severus was very well done. Actually, her writing style is compared to none, she is extremely unique, and I would read any other series that she writes, if she so ever chose to do so. Doubt she will tho, she's richer than the Queen of England already, and not all of her royalties have even started to come to an end.

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Guest Sun 04 Nov 2007, 1:39 am

    I read them all =D

    really enjoyed books 1-4 Harry Potter 245150:

    5 was where the plot thickened a bit more...

    6 and 7.....i feel they could've been better...a lot better....they both had content....but some of it isn't necessary....(ie. literally the first 300 pages of the 7th didn't do much for the plot....)

    i personally didn't like the's just my opinion.....i like some sort of tragedy near the end....

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Graphi10

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by blackmamba Sun 04 Nov 2007, 1:51 am

    I personally own all seven books, too. My classmate's mom is the Representative for Scholastic Books here, and she gave me a 'Special Edition' one with J.K. Rowling's signature on it. It's my most valuable book - ever. evil laugh:

    The thing I love most about the seventh book is how she presented Snape's past, and his 'true love.' I knew he wasn't that bad.. there's something in him that was just waiting for a way to come out.. in a subtle way. I've been a huge Snape fan, and because of the seventh book, my respect for him has increased even more.

    I never really liked the fifth, (probably because of Umbridge) but.. it's okay, it's a J.K. book so.. still gotta love it.

    And the ending. Oh, the ending. I would love to see Harry with Hermione - not Ginny.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 1:02 am

    Harry and Hermione did seem the more likely couple throughout the entire series. I do think that Jinny was a bit overshadowed to end up with Harry in the end. However, it was no real surprise either. But to see Ron and Hermione together. blink Just not a couple that one would truly expect to see in reality.

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Guest Sun 04 Nov 2007, 1:08 am the fourth movie...the possibility of Harry and Hermione was foreshadowed pretty badly...and i have to agree...that pairing seems much more reasonable

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by CommanderStarDud Sun 04 Nov 2007, 10:19 am

    I have all the books and they are great! Now Herminee and Ron they fought and fought and fought and then boom now they love eachother I mean wow. I was sad when one of my favorites died in the seventh book my favorites are Fred and George Harry Potter 245150: They fit my personality in my life perfect! I was angry and I think they should've killed the guy instead of torture him and J.K. Rowling killed off Lupin and Tonks she practicly murdered everyone but it was funny reading about the fighting limping Nevile. cute Also in the 5th book I was teribly mad she killed Sirus off and by his own sister too.
    And having Dumbledore die........well he wanted that rather than suffer the cusrse of the ring horcrux so never mind BUT ONE THING I THINK IS CREEPY IS ON THE NEWS J.K. ROWLING SAID THAT DUMBLEDORE WAS GAY! I mean omg I was sitting there mouth gaping open and about ready to fall flat on my face! :pop:

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Graphi10

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by blackmamba Sun 04 Nov 2007, 10:31 am

    I know, "Dumbledore was gay" did shock everyone o-o I can't believe J.K. Rowling said that. Lol. I never would've thought of that, though. He never seemed gay in the book.. hmm.. or did he? big grin

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by CommanderStarDud Sun 04 Nov 2007, 10:39 am

    And for som odd reason the news says everyone loves the fact that Dumbledore was gay
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 11:53 am

    I really must start watching the news! blink I never gave a single thought to Dumbledore being a homosexual. That is what she meant, right? Cause I know in Great Britain, most people still refer to 'gay' as 'happy'. But if it is the former meaning, then it really upsets me that she would come out and say that now. The only hint to it was that Dumdledore never had a family of his own, but then again.. neither has Ero Sennin, and we all know he's not gay. I mean, wtf? Why would you come out several months after you've finished your series, and spout something off like that?? Is it a publicity stunt to get more homosexuals to buy the damn books!? My respect for J.K.'s business sense just plummeted! Not because of the idea the Dumbledore is gay, but because there was absolutely no rhyme or reason behind bringing it up.. especially now that the series is over. Pretty retarded in my opinion. :annoyed:

    Last edited by on Sun 04 Nov 2007, 12:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by CommanderStarDud Sun 04 Nov 2007, 11:57 am

    Excacly she is starting to get money hungry so she wants more so all the homosexuaals are going to buy the book probly!
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 12:05 pm

    OMG! I'm still upset over this idiocy. How many people actually gave it a seconds thought as to the sexual preference of Dumbledore? I never wondered if he was or wasn't gay.. it didn't matter. Just reading the book was excitement enough and the character was great. Now.. I can profess to say that the actor that plays Dumbledore in movies 3+ is gay in the sense that his acting sucks and I preferred the former actor (Richard Harris) in the role of Dumbledore. Maybe Sir Michael Gambon is gay in real life!?

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by CommanderStarDud Sun 04 Nov 2007, 12:10 pm

    Richard Harris was a good actor he gave a sort of mystery to Dumbledore. but the new guy how many people have seen a guy who is like 150 years old run yell and do all kinds of athletics! (well old people yell for teens to get off there lawn)

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Guest Sun 04 Nov 2007, 2:03 pm

    Actually...there was already a huge fan base for that pairing before JK Rowling announced the whole "Dumbledore's gay" shocked me to find out...and it apparently ruins the book for some friend (who's a total Harry Potter freak) says that there were already sites suggesting that he was gay and's a very debatable topic and i won't go against anything JK Rowling's her book...her choice....*shrugs*
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 2:21 pm

    I agree that it's her book and her choice, but why bother bringing the issue up at all? And why wait until after the series is finished? Again, it's no big deal to me whether Dumdledore was gay or not because it doesn't change the fact the series was/is awesome, it's just.. why? Why say it now? Why say it at all?

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Guest Sun 04 Nov 2007, 2:26 pm

    perhaps she was tired of people asking and just decided to throw them all off with a sudden statement such as that...=/

    and i suppose the fact that he was gay doesn't affect the story in any way...just the way we look at him in general
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Tradej11

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 04 Nov 2007, 2:32 pm

    *sigh* True. It's just that I'm tired of controversy. And making such a controversial statement does sort of take some of the glory of the series out of for me. Some things are just better left unsaid. But I guess that would be a good reason, that if you feel the need to state such information, to do it after the series is finished.

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by Shinkirou Sun 04 Nov 2007, 2:43 pm

    Eh, I got a kick out of it. I have to admit, the last headline I expected to see on the Yahoo homepage was "DUMBLEDORE IS GAY". I cracked up when I saw that! It doesn't take anything away from it for me, and it's not like the series ever had a big evangelical fanbase to begin with...

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by CommanderStarDud Sun 27 Jan 2008, 10:43 pm

    Just when I thought everything was ok I watched the news and now the guy who play's harry potter says he is gay REALY

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by I,Incubus Tue 05 Feb 2008, 9:52 am

    personnally i read all the books and skim the last :duh:i'm veryy busy but all the books were good and my favorite character was snape. i always knew that he always had that good stuff anyway all the books were pretty good and yes there were many unnecessary parts. i think they messed up sirius' death in the movie and harry and jinny together is a big no. but whats up with dumbledore being gay. i don't think rowling got money hunger i think she wanted to make everyone comfortable or i dunno.
    and my homo friends have been reading since harry potter came out.... i mean the series!

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Graphi10

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by blackmamba Wed 06 Feb 2008, 6:00 am

    Well.. I recommend you reading the last book, I,Incubus! Especially since you're a huge Snape fan (just like me).. you're going to love it. ^^ Since it's the last book which is a bit ironic because you read all six and skimmed the last one lol why don't you read it? Wink It's really good!

    Tell me about it. Well, I already had the feeling since.. I don't know, the Chamber of Secrets that it'll be Hermione x Ron. Never expected Harry x Ginny, though. Pretty predictable, but I guess my mind just won't allow it.

    The issue of Dumbledore being gay is not really a huge shock for me. I haven't really thought about it, but since that it's a fact now, I guess I just don't care. i don't know Doesn't affect my affection for the series in any way.

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by KeybladesHeart Mon 25 Aug 2008, 1:34 am

    I,Incubus wrote:personnally i read all the books and skim the last :duh:i'm veryy busy but all the books were good and my favorite character was snape. i always knew that he always had that good stuff anyway all the books were pretty good and yes there were many unnecessary parts. i think they messed up sirius' death in the movie and harry and jinny together is a big no. but whats up with dumbledore being gay. i don't think rowling got money hunger i think she wanted to make everyone comfortable or i dunno.
    and my homo friends have been reading since harry potter came out.... i mean the series!
    Your right they did mess up sirius death in the movie..i wished they would of added more to the movie cause i personally like any other fan have all the books..and well i wish they would of shown more in the order of the pheniox i would of loved to see more of the chase scene (before sirius died)

    Knowledge : Harry Potter Graphi10

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by blackmamba Tue 26 Aug 2008, 8:23 am

    When Sirius died, I was like.. that's it? I didn't even feel like crying. Or saddened, at least. Nothing could be more disappointing that a best-selling book turned into a 'blurry' movie.

    Harry Potter Empty Re: Harry Potter

    Post by KeybladesHeart Wed 27 Aug 2008, 12:25 am

    yeah i know they could of at least added more to his death like in the book you know make it more dramatic!

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