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    Best Fantasy/Reality Books

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Best Fantasy/Reality Books Tradej11

    Best Fantasy/Reality Books Empty Best Fantasy/Reality Books

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 23 Aug 2008, 1:38 am

    Out of all the fantasy books you've read, where you felt a sense of realism to your own life, have you preferred the ones that were written in first person narrative (i.e., Pendragon) or storyteller verse (i.e., Harry Potter)?

    It's really difficult for me to say, as I've only read a couple books written in first person narrative, and they were just as good as the plethora of storyteller verse has been.

    What do you prefer, and why?

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    Post by KageSenko Sat 23 Aug 2008, 3:27 am

    one of my favorite fantasy books is Artemis Fowl Best Fantasy/Reality Books 693126 very good 6 book series Razz
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Best Fantasy/Reality Books Tradej11

    Best Fantasy/Reality Books Empty Re: Best Fantasy/Reality Books

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 23 Aug 2008, 9:21 am

    I've definitely heard of, but have never read the Artemis Fowl series. Are they written in first person narrative?

    Best Fantasy/Reality Books Empty Re: Best Fantasy/Reality Books

    Post by KageSenko Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:21 am

    no it isnt Razz its a good series Best Fantasy/Reality Books 693126 , i read and reread them a lot of times Razz

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    Post by *TsuBasa* Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:55 pm

    that is a tough question....

    and i'd have to say that some of my favorite fantasy genre books have been written in 1st person narrative....
    For example....nearly all the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer (i'm sure u guys knew that was a given ~.^) and Sunshine by Robin McKinley....
    Interview with the Vampire was actully written in a storyteller perspective, however the only narraration the 3rd person tells is occurring almost entirely in a single room where an interview is taking place. The actual storytelling process is told by Louis the vampire, a character in the story. That novel felt 1st person to me...
    But of course there are fantasy classics such as Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere which are written through a storyteller's perspective and are written just as well. I get lost in the story. Stephenie Meyer's The Host is also written in 3rd person omniscent.

    But I think I tend to prefer 1st person because it feels like actual storytelling. You're reading a story told by "someone" who was can make your own predictions sometimes based on their overall story tone and even small variations in character elements...
    I know I've done that continuously with the Twilight series....
    It's kinda a sense of reading something that has already happened, a sense of knowing the character lived on in a world outside of our reality.

    I mean, I'm dying to read Midnight Sun, which will be the same story of Twilight, but told through the vampire's point of view. He will narrarrate the story. 1st person narrative just creates soooo many facets to a story. Does that make any sense at all? I'm not sure if I explained myself well enough...
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Best Fantasy/Reality Books Tradej11

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    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:11 pm

    You explained yourself perfectly to me, Tsu! Thank you. You did point out exactly how I feel about reading my fantasy books, too. I also feel the connection when a story is written in first person, yet like with Harry Potter, I also felt like I could connect with all the characters because the author was so good in her descriptiveness.

    Argh.. it's just too difficult to discern which I prefer. There is a reason why I am asking this, and a few of you may already know. But I suppose when it comes right down to it, it all depends on the authors ability to have the story come across in a way that brings the reader into the story themselves. Without that, it's just words on a page.

    However... after a wee bit more thought, I think I prefer the first person, too. A really good author can end up making the reader feel that it is the reader that is living the story.

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    Post by *TsuBasa* Mon 25 Aug 2008, 1:48 am

    I'm sure if you take it 1st person narrative, it will come out great.
    I tend to find that I just get lost deeper in books that are written in that p.o.v. I don't necessarily feel i'm living the story, but i'm just a bystander watching it go by.....
    It's kinda nice to just watch and be non-existant for a while in a fantasy world...Best Fantasy/Reality Books 742991

    Either way, i'm sure you're more than capable of leading readers into your characters' worlds, kyo.

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