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    Psychological disorders...


    Psychological disorders... Empty Psychological disorders...

    Post by Shinkirou Thu 01 Nov 2007, 5:12 pm

    I've been wondering about these. We were going over some in psychology class, and the definitions kept including the word "function". If something about you stops you from "functioning" in society, then you have a disorder, something must be wrong with you. But then, when you look back in history, alot of these "disorders" weren't a problem until recently, which suggests, biologically and evolutionarily, that people haven't changed. Perhaps a societal shift made these people stick out when the definition of "functional" narrowed. For example, nowadays our society is focused on money, in order to be functional you have to be productive. However, in earlier days society was focused on such things as survival and power, and the definition of "functional" was very different. In the rennaissance, for example, a high number of alpha brainwaves probably would have increased your ability to function by allowing a higher amount of creativity. Nowadays, however, a person with a high number of alpha brainwaves is considered to have attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) because society is more interested in production than discovery. Anyway, my point is, unless something impairs our ability to be happy (schizophrenia, some forms of OCD, ect) or physically harms us, can it really be called a disorder, since the definition of "functional" is so vague? is it really ethical to label someone as dysfunctional simply because they aren't as productive as others?
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Psychological disorders... Tradej11

    Psychological disorders... Empty Re: Psychological disorders...

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 03 Nov 2007, 3:40 pm

    I believe is a perfect start to an incredible dissertation for a PhD in Psych.

    I do not mingle with society; I stay indoors and often have no idea what is going on in the world other than reading the headlines on my computer. I am thus considered disfunctional because of this. I have no friends in real time and I do not socialize with anyone other than the cashier as I am checking out of the store. Is it because I actually have a disorder, like depression, or whatever that phobia is where people are afraid of public? Nope. Not in my opinion, anyway. Then someone may say that I am in denial. Rolling Eyes

    However, I believe that I am very functional in the virtual world. I have many friends (acquaintances) and I socialize quite often. So does this mean that I am disfunctional because I live in a virtual world?

    I agree that terms change over time, and with society at large. Right now.. I think the most disfunctional thing in life is to be so wrapped up in 'productivity' as it relates to money (greed) that it causes more problems than it solves. When more problems are created and the resolutions begin to falter, isn't that the true meaning of disfunctional? scratch

    By the way.. in today's society, I would be considered OCD, ADD, and Depressed. lmao In society aeons ago, I would be consider a sort of Leader, Warrior, and Hermit. Wink

    Psychological disorders... Empty Re: Psychological disorders...

    Post by blueeyedwolf Thu 08 Nov 2007, 12:54 am

    Aww, kyouri why would people think you are depressed? Speaking from experience it is a very dark path... Leaving it at that... No matter how down you feel you better keep breathing, and not start bleeding... Or I will be very upset/

    Psychological disorders... Empty Re: Psychological disorders...

    Post by Shinkirou Thu 08 Nov 2007, 10:11 am

    Yup, society is so annoying sometimes Wink

    Psychological disorders... Empty Re: Psychological disorders...

    Post by s1nist4r Thu 08 Nov 2007, 10:24 am

    People like to call everything bad that is different from what they are used to seeing and that's weird. Everyone has their own way of defining what is normal and what isn't.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Psychological disorders... Tradej11

    Psychological disorders... Empty Re: Psychological disorders...

    Post by Kyouri Kai Thu 08 Nov 2007, 2:54 pm

    blueeyedpuppy wrote:Aww, kyouri why would people think you are depressed? Speaking from experience it is a very dark path... Leaving it at that... No matter how down you feel you better keep breathing, and not start bleeding... Or I will be very upset/

    No worries on the bleeding part. If cutting needs to be done, it won't be my own blood spilled. Wink

    Too many psychiatrists and psychologists define depression in so many ways, and at so many levels.. it's become ridiculous. People would consider me depressed because I don't wish to socialize outside of my home, I don't put on a frilly dress, and I don't beg for attention. I also go through phases where I've had enough of dealing with something and would rather not even think about it until the very last minute. To me... that's normal.. to some.. that's abnormal. But.. my philosophy about it is.. nana nana

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