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    Music Ringtones anyone?


    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by *TsuBasa* Thu 13 Mar 2008, 3:40 am

    Well, I have about a different ringtone for nearly every person who calls me regularly. *My default ringtone is L's theme from Death sounds perfect*
    I make my own ringtones here:
    Here's one I made. It's an ending theme from the NANA anime. i've made others, but they're copyrighted, so yeah....

    Create free ringtones at Phonezoo

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by sharingan09 Thu 13 Mar 2008, 7:13 am

    pretty cool Music Ringtones anyone? 742991 do you think you could put up the L theme?

    edit* dw about it i found it lol i didnt remmember it sounded like that blink Lights theme is pretty cool too.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Music Ringtones anyone? Tradej11

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by Kyouri Kai Thu 13 Mar 2008, 11:05 am

    Thanks for sharing, TsuBasa! I've been wanting some ringtones for my phone, but I either have to pay a high rate for them or do without because most free ringtones don't work with my carrier. This is great! I've already created one and it works! woot

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by sharingan09 Fri 14 Mar 2008, 2:04 am

    question.... is the a list of songs on the site or do u upload your own song(s) and then make a ringtone... and can you edit the song like putting different parts into one ringtone?

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by *TsuBasa* Fri 14 Mar 2008, 2:55 am

    glad it worked well for you, Kyo. ^^
    Here's some I've found on there

    Create free ringtones at Phonezoo

    Create free ringtones at Phonezoo

    Create free ringtones at Phonezoo

    right now i'm making a few more--hopefully they won't go through as copyrighted...>.<
    if you can listen to the ringtone then you can just download it to your phone. You also have the option of uploading your own song and finding a part of the song you want to be a ringtone--you have a 30 second leeway, but you can't cut and paste sections of the audio. =) that's what i did with kuroi namida...

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by sharingan09 Fri 14 Mar 2008, 6:22 am

    ohk cool thanks for the site *tsubasa* cute lucky start sounds really familliar blink oh and i signed up to the site and is the only way to get songs onto your phone by downloading it from your phones web browser? because it said for me i had to download it off on my phone oops and im out of credit

    EDIT* i created a ringtone but... how do i put it up on AD? and they also marked it as copywrited ==' does that mean i cant put it up?

    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

    Post by *TsuBasa* Fri 14 Mar 2008, 3:53 pm

    yes sir...
    once you create it and select "send to my phone" it will send you a text message. You have to use ur phone's intz to get to the download site they send you. That's the only drawback I guess. You need internet connection on your phone. But it doesn't take long at all if you don't have unlimited internet.

    And another sad yes. If they mark it as copyrighted then you can't share it. That's why I'm hoping the ones I made slip through the cracks. It's kinda tricky, but depending on what info you give they'll either mark it as a shared ringtone or a copyrighted one.
    Some copyrighted stuff does get through like the ones I posted. That "kuroi namida" is definitely japan....(well technically now in the us, too since NANA has been licensed) but it got through. Under "artist" I had put tv rip. Right now the ones I made say they're "pending for further review" so it'll be marked as copyrighted until they review it.
    Either way....if you can't share it, at least you'll have unique ringtones compared to your friends. ^^

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    Music Ringtones anyone? Empty Re: Music Ringtones anyone?

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