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    Relative or absolute?


    Relative or absolute? Empty Relative or absolute?

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 08 Oct 2007, 7:01 pm

    Do you believe that there are any absolute truths? Or is everything relative?

    Personally, I don't see how it is logically possible for there to be an absolute...

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Brutefox16 Mon 08 Oct 2007, 7:16 pm

    i do not under stand the questions so io will go sith relative

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 08 Oct 2007, 7:18 pm

    Brutefox16 wrote:i do not under stand the questions so io will go sith relative

    Basically, do you think that there is anything that is true no matter what the circumstances, or do you think that there are always exceptions to the rules?

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Guest Mon 08 Oct 2007, 7:24 pm

    Well, I believe there are absolutes.
    A circle is a circle. Dead people are dead, you can revive them.
    Not on Earth anyway.

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 08 Oct 2007, 7:37 pm

    kito wrote:
    Well, I believe there are absolutes.
    A circle is a circle. Dead people are dead, you can revive them.
    Not on Earth anyway.

    well, I mean connections. Saying that a circle is a circle or that a pear is a pear are more of definitions than absolutes or relatives. "Absolute" and "relative" usually refer to connections. i.e. killing is wrong in any situation is an absolute connection between killing and morality. It states that killing is always negatively influencial on our morality, regardless of the situation...

    besides, even those things that you stated are somewhat debatable Wink

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by animeholic_girl Mon 08 Oct 2007, 8:43 pm

    I think, I'll go with relative. I mean people have emotins right? So
    everything has an exemption! And it's a matter of choice. Wink

    The only absolutes in this world is change and death. That's it. Lol! Relative or absolute? 25393
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Relative or absolute? Tradej11

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 08 Oct 2007, 9:23 pm

    Shinkirou is already aware of my answer, but I'll share with everyone else.

    There are no absolutes. Even with Kito's example of a circle is a circle.. that is based upon one person's relativity and then passed on to others who then believe it so, thus giving the illusion that a circle is indeed a circle. The same is true of death. Again, it is based up personal belief.

    All belief is relative, therefore, nothing can be absolute, for we all hold beliefs in every thought pattern that we ignite and thus project.

    Knowledge : Relative or absolute? Graphi10

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by blackmamba Tue 09 Oct 2007, 11:31 am

    I'm going to go with relative. Life is a matter of chance and choice.. those 'chances' are based on our 'choices.'

    There are no absolutes. Just like Kyouri said. I'm not exactly sure if this is off-topic, but I might as well say it..

    God knows every possible thing that's going to happen to us. He knows every possibility, every ratio, every proportion. But even though He may know it all, he still gives us the freedom to choose for ourselves. There are no absolutes. What's the point on living, then, if we were born to be some puppets, our life written, all planned out?

    Again, pardon for that. I'm not exactly sure if that's off-topic or not. Lol. Sorry!
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Relative or absolute? Tradej11

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Kyouri Kai Tue 09 Oct 2007, 2:00 pm

    Actually Blackmamba, I personally feel that it is right on topic, but that's my choice to believe it. Wink You also reminded me of something that we've all seen in regard to absolutes and relatives.. Neji vs. Naruto. Neji believed that we were all born with a certain fate and that because of that fate, our destiny is absolute. Naruto, on the other hand, believes everything to be relative to our choices. There is no such thing as pre-ordained destiny, which would be considered an absolute. Like you said, we all have our own freedom to choose as we so desire, therefore everything in life, including a drop-out learning Kage Bunshin at a Genin level, with a dream of becoming Hokage, is most definitely an example of how our lives are relative to our choices and not to an absolute destiny or fate.

    Relative or absolute? Empty Re: Relative or absolute?

    Post by Guest Tue 09 Oct 2007, 7:08 pm

    :/ I guess that the world isn't round either...
    It depends on the point of view. If you are an atheist, you'll probably think everything is controlled by yourself. No karma what so ever. It's all science.
    If you belive in spiritual powers and worships, :/ you get the picture...

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