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    Abortion Empty Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Mon 08 Oct 2007, 9:19 pm

    is it right or wrong
    and are their any exceptions confused

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Mon 08 Oct 2007, 9:21 pm

    at first i thought it was right but i am a little shacky now cause my teacher said that there is a system were all u have to do is leave ur baby at a police staion, hospital, or foster home no quesstoins asked... 72 hours after the babies birth
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Abortion Tradej11

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 08 Oct 2007, 9:27 pm

    I am not one to tell anyone what is right or what is wrong, no matter the extenuating circumstances, including new ways of getting rid of your child.. either pre or post birth.

    For me.. I would never have an abortion. However, I will not look down or away from someone that has. We all have the right to decide every single moment and action that we take, and that includes abortion.

    A life is a life, no matter at what stage of that life it ends. I am neither taking the pro-choice, nor the pro-life stance, for there are always circumstances behind actions. I would not have an abortion, but I would also not hesitate to kill someone if the need arises.

    It is also a matter of debate upon when a fetus is actually considered alive. I do find that those who say it is not a living being until it draws it's first breath, are doing nothing more than trying to put up a barrier between themselves and their own morality. If it moves, it is alive. There are also things alive, that do not move. If cell division is ocurring, then life is in constant flux, just as it is after that first breath is drawn.

    Last edited by on Mon 08 Oct 2007, 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Mon 08 Oct 2007, 9:37 pm

    well my circumstance and only two is if they no it will suffer with a mental illness and may not live.. if it does then it will be a patato mind... but my real erason is if the girls was raped Suspect then i would allow it then

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by animeholic_girl Mon 08 Oct 2007, 10:54 pm

    I agree with Kyouri-chan. There is no right or wrong answer here. By
    doing it does not necessarily meant your wrong but it doesn't also mean
    you're right. Doing it or not is a matter of choice. We have no right
    to judge a person for doing it, circumstances might call for it. Abortion 693126:

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Mon 08 Oct 2007, 11:21 pm

    i know this is just ur opinion there are no right or wrong answers Razz

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Tue 09 Oct 2007, 12:20 am

    I agree with you, Kyouri! I would never condemn someon for having an abortion. What about the single mothers, working two jobs in order to support themselves? Sure, they could give the child up for adoption. But they'd have to go on maternity leave, pay for expensive checkups that they probably cannot afford; they may loose one of their jobs, their home, everything. I find that those who are so eager to condemn the victims of desperation are themselves financially secure, and are unable to empathize with women who are making one of the most difficult decisions of their life. They stand outside of abortion clinics, afflicting their already tortured minds with more guilt and shame. They revel in their own sense of moral supremecy and in the pain that they inflict on their victims...

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Tue 09 Oct 2007, 12:27 am

    Kyouri wrote:
    It is also a matter of debate upon when a fetus is actually considered alive. I do find that those who say it is not a living being until it draws it's first breath, are doing nothing more than trying to put up a barrier between themselves and their own morality. If it moves, it is alive. There are also things alive, that do not move. If cell division is ocurring, then life is in constant flux, just as it is after that first breath is drawn.

    From a strictly biological viewpoint, in order to be considered alive something must be able to respond to environmental stimuli. According to this definition, a zygote (embryonic stem cells) is not yet alive, but a fetus that has progressed beyond the first trimester is, since it's notochord has finished developing and has begun transmitting nervous signals.

    Those who believe that a fetus is not alive until it draws it's first breath are astoundingly ignorant of embryology...

    Knowledge : Abortion Graphi10

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by blackmamba Tue 09 Oct 2007, 11:13 am

    I would never have abortion, either. It's equivalent to killing someone. But greater - because you're killing an innocent child that should be born in this world; to experience the troublesome-ness (lol) of school, the never-ending homeworks! Heart breaks, problems in life! Things that make our lives worth living. And I don't want to take that 'chance' away from him/her.

    It's just mean. AND wrong.

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Tue 09 Oct 2007, 7:24 pm

    well i am never gona have an abortion for the win either......
    But then i agian i really don't have to worrie about that so i dosn't bother me.... well it bothers me but it does not conserne me... wait it conserns but but but ahahah u people no what i mean don't you plz say u do Sad

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Tue 09 Oct 2007, 8:17 pm

    Brutefox16 wrote:well i am never gona have an abortion for the win either......
    But then i agian i really don't have to worrie about that so i dosn't bother me.... well it bothers me but it does not conserne me... wait it conserns but but but ahahah u people no what i mean don't you plz say u do Sad

    Yeah, I feel the same way. The women can worry about their own affairs, none of my business... I will obviously never understand what it's like to be pregnant...

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Tue 09 Oct 2007, 11:05 pm

    yes u could didn't u watch family guy... apartly it is like ur lower lip steaching all the way around ur head and smacking u in the face Rolling Eyes

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Tue 09 Oct 2007, 11:19 pm

    Brutefox16 wrote:yes u could didn't u watch family guy... apartly it is like ur lower lip steaching all the way around ur head and smacking u in the face Rolling Eyes

    :pop: OOOOOoooooooWWWWWwwwwwwwIIIIIiiiiEEee!

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Thu 11 Oct 2007, 9:32 pm

    no kidden ur lip would probably tear off

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Rukia_chan Mon 22 Oct 2007, 7:54 pm

    Brutefox16 wrote:yes u could didn't u watch family guy... apartly it is like ur lower lip steaching all the way around ur head and smacking u in the face Rolling Eyes

    lmao i have that on my phone. Abortion, in MY OPINION!!!!!!, should only be used if its an emergency, like the birth would kill, which might kill the child, or if you have a disease, like AIDS, or are very sickly and you dont want to pass it along to the child. You should be responsible for your actions, so if you go out for a "night on thw town for fun" then you should take responsibility and suck it up.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Abortion Tradej11

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 22 Oct 2007, 9:15 pm

    @ Brutefox and Shinkirou - I believe it is a situation for the man as well. Just because the woman carries the child, the man should have a say as well. It took two to create the child, it should take two to make the decision. It's really simple. Yes, it is the woman's body. If she chooses to have the child, against the father's wishes, then that father is not a father and should have no parental rights. If the woman chooses to have an abortion but the father wants the child, then the woman should carry through with the pregnancy and give up her parental rights, if she still desires not to be a mother, once the child is born.

    Yep, there is the arguement that it is best for the child to have both parents in their life. Really? Just how wonderful is it for a child to grow up knowing that the father doesn't want it, and resents having to pay child support? The child has a constant reminder that there is a father, but feels rejected on a regular basis because the father 'forgets' to pick the child up. The same goes in reverse, for the mother that doesn't want the child. It is best for a child to grow up with one loving parent, than with two parents that bicker and fight all the time. Either way, in my opinion, it is best for the child to have the opportunity to grow up in the first place.

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 22 Oct 2007, 10:56 pm

    Kyouri wrote:the woman chooses to have an abortion but the father wants the child, then the woman should carry through with the pregnancy and give up her parental rights, if she still desires not to be a mother, once the child is born.

    The only problem I have with this are the psychos who rape women so their genes will be carried on. The women would then be forced to give birth to the child because the father wants it. If the women is raped, or if her health is threatened by the pregnancy, or if the husband won't financially support her during the pregnancy, I don't believe that she should be forced to go through with it.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Abortion Tradej11

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 22 Oct 2007, 11:09 pm

    It's no different the other way around, either. Plenty of women 'forget' to take their pill just in order to have a baby to save a relationship, to create a relationship, or whatever. There are always exceptions to every rule. But speaking in generalities, there are many men that wish to keep the child, for they truly wish to be good fathers. But unfortunately, because they are not the ones carrying the child for 9 months, their wants don't matter. That is not fair.

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 22 Oct 2007, 11:13 pm

    I agree that it's not fair to give the women all of the decision making power, because many men do want to be fathers. But in special cases, such as rape, danger to their health, or financial strain, they should have priority because they have to go through pregnancy, they have to go on maternity leave, they have to go through childbirth, they have to go to checkups, they have to feel sick and endure cravings. The man doesn't have to do squat, except deal with the woman when she get's grouchy, lol Wink
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Abortion Tradej11

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Kyouri Kai Mon 22 Oct 2007, 11:23 pm

    I understand what you are saying, and as I said, there are exceptions to every rule. But as a woman that has carried a child for nine months, went through the cravings, the pain of childbirth (without anesthesia), went to the check-ups, and etc.. I believe that there is more that a man can do, other than deal with the mood-swings. He can go to the check-ups as well, for starters. He can be there in major supportative roles for the woman. And just because the woman goes through weight gain and birthing, does not mean that the man does not suffer as well. Nature designed the woman to bear the pain of childbirth, true. But to say that men suffer naught.. I disagree. Unfortunately, I think that it is that mindset that continues to separate the worlds of men and women when it comes to the pregnancy. It is this separation, mainly designed by women with a grudge for some reason or another, that has left the caring father out in the cold when it comes to any decision making regarding the right to life or pro-choice matters. Also like I said before, it takes two to create a life, therefore it should take two to make the final decision. (Yes, this is barring the rape, disease, and other extinuating circumstances.) It is not the mans fault that nature did not design all humans to be able give birth. So the caring man should not be punished for that.

    P.S. The gender equality that women scream for.. shouldn't stop when it comes to having a child.

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Shinkirou Mon 22 Oct 2007, 11:31 pm

    Yup, I'm in agreement that a supportive, caring man should also have a say in the matter as long as there are no extenuating cirumstances :)

    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Rukia_chan Tue 23 Oct 2007, 10:32 am


    Abortion Empty Re: Abortion

    Post by Brutefox16 Tue 23 Oct 2007, 11:10 pm

    Wow i didn't een get to say anthing :>_>: every time i read a post wat i was going to say was said on the next post....
    I agree fully *nods with rukia

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