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    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist


    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Musici10

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Watari Sat 06 Feb 2010, 5:40 am

    Now let me start off by first stating I know very little about this group and in fact they sound to be a little moderate but that doesn't mean I agree with their views as a whole, I figure that this group might be something to watch out for in the near future, either good or bad I can't say but I have see this name pop up in a few articles here and there. But the fact that Palin is in this cause also doesn't hold them very high in my book, yes Palin gets a big Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist 449690 in my book!

    Nashville, Tennessee (CNN) -- The organizer of the Tea Party Convention says he agrees with Tom Tancredo's description of President Obama as a socialist.

    The former congressman from Colorado and 2008 Republican presidential
    candidate blasted Obama, saying "people who could not even spell the
    word 'vote', or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue
    in the White House. His name is Barack Hussein Obama."

    Tancredo made his comments Thursday night as he gave the kickoff speech for the
    convention, which is being held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and
    Convention Center in Nashville.

    Judson Phillips, a Tennessee lawyer who formed Tea Party Nation and who organized what's being
    billed as the first national Tea Party Convention, told reporters
    Friday that "Tom Tancredo gave a fantastic speech last night. I think
    he is an amazing politician."

    Asked if he agrees with Tancredo's
    description of Obama, Phillips said, "The word 'socialist' is a word
    you don't want to be labeled with in the American political system.
    It's got a lot of negative connotations, but it also has a very
    specific political meaning. It refers to a specific political ideology.
    I think it is very clear that that is the political ideology of Barack

    Phillips added that he thinks "Tancredo doesn't feel
    like a lot of people who supported Barack Obama understand the basics
    of this country."

    A spokesman for the Tea Party Nation, the
    group that organized the convention, said Tancredo's speech may have
    provided some red meat but termed it problematic.

    "It doesn't further the dialogue," said Mark Skoda, a businessman and
    founder of the Memphis Tea Party, who is also serving as spokesman for
    the convention.

    In his speech, Tancredo also slammed the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, saying "thank God John McCain lost the election.

    Phillips agreed, adding, "I think a McCain presidency would have been far worse
    than Bush one or Bush two. I think it would have been a total disaster.
    I think we would have gotten the worst of what we are getting in the
    Obama administration and really nothing positive from what would have
    been allegedly be a conservative party, or allegedly be a conservative

    Phillips also announced that he will hold another Tea Party convention in July. He declined to name a location for
    the event.

    The other major news to come out of Friday's news conference: some of the
    organizers are forming a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation called the
    Ensuring Liberty Corporation and a soon-to-be-established affiliated
    political action committee.

    Skoda says the formation of the corporation and the PAC is a way that the Tea Party movement can
    participate in politics and termed it "a conservative effort in support
    of candidates."

    Skoda predicted this would be an outlet for
    people who took part in Tea Party protests to get involved in campaign
    politics. He listed six congressional races in the Southeast where
    endorsements may be made.

    Along with the corporation and PAC,
    Skoda announced that candidates seeking backing would need to agree
    with a list of "first principles" consisting of fiscal responsibility,
    lower taxes, less government, states' rights and national security. He
    said he did not consider those principles a litmus test for candidates.
    Skoda also said he does not support a third-party movement.

    Contrary to Tancredo's remarks, the Tea Party is not about "name-calling," said
    Rand Paul, whose campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky is
    supported by the Tea Party.

    "There are politicians who have gone
    into the movement and tried to become part of the movement," he said on
    CNN's American Morning."But really the movement is about individual

    The activists are mostly concerned about the "fiscal
    insolvency of our nation," he said. "We have to do something, and it's
    not going to come from the career politicians."

    Speeches are not
    the focus of the convention. Panels, sessions and workshops are the
    bread and butter of this event. Among the sessions scheduled for Friday
    are ones on how to conduct voter registration drives and where to find
    conservative votes, women in politics, how to organize a Tea Party
    group, how to involve youth in the conservative movement, grass roots
    "on the ground," how to unite state Tea Party groups, technology in the
    Tea Party movement and why Christians must engage.

    "This convention is a way to galvanize the conservative movement in a way
    that the general rallies do not," said Skoda, leading a panel on
    technology in the movement.

    Organizers hope the three-day event
    will help strengthen the anti-big-government movement. On its Web site,
    Tea Party Nation says the event is "aimed at bringing the Tea Party
    Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of
    networking and supporting the movement's multiple organizations'
    principal goals."

    There has been pushback against the convention
    and its organizers from both outsiders and some in the movement because
    of the Tea Party Nation's for-profit status and because the price of
    entry attendees have paid for access to the workshops and seminars
    being held through Saturday.

    Red State blogger Erick Erickson
    wrote that while he has good things to say about some groups within the
    Tea Party, "this national Tea Party convention smells scammy."

    Mark Meckler said he and Jenny Beth Martin, co-founders of the Tea Party
    Patriots, aren't participating in the convention because "it wasn't the
    kind of grass-roots organization that we are, so we declined to

    Organizers say some 600 people have paid $549 each
    to attend the convention and that the event is sold out. But they add
    that tickets costing $349 are still available for Saturday night's
    banquet, where former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential
    nominee Sarah Palin will give the convention's keynote address.

    Neither convention organizers nor a spokeswoman for Palin would confirm reports
    that she's getting paid around $100,000 for her keynote appearance.

    "I will not benefit financially from speaking at this event," Palin said
    in a statement this week. "Any compensation for my appearance will go
    right back to the cause."

    Sherry Phillips, who along with her
    husband, Nashville attorney Judson Phillips, founded Tea Party Nation,
    said earlier this week in a message to supporters that "we fully expect
    to break even at this event. We may even make a few thousand dollars to
    cover local operating costs of TPN."

    Phillips also fired back at
    her critics, saying, "We never did this to make us rich or famous.
    Quite the contrary, we are patriots who love our country, our members
    and the people who are coming to Nashville to attend this great event."

    As controversy surrounds the convention, tensions have been rising among
    Tea Party activists. Rival factions are battling over who will carry
    the Tea Party banner, and others worry that powerful groups are
    "Astroturfing" what they think should remain a grass-roots group.

    Last week two major speakers scheduled for the convention dropped out of the
    lineup. Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Rep. Michele Bachmann of
    Minnesota announced that they would not attend the convention, which is
    being held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in

    Blackburn was scheduled to serve as a featured
    speaker and introduce Palin. Bachman was scheduled to serve as one of
    the convention's kickoff speakers. Both are strong supporters of the
    Tea Party movement.

    Both said the House
    Committee on Standards of Official Conduct advised them not to
    participate because of the convention's for-profit status. And both
    said the canceling of their speeches is not a sign that their
    commitment to the Tea Party movement is fading.

    Source :
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Tradej11

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 06 Feb 2010, 11:33 am

    NewsBusters wrote:Will MSM Report on Obama Membership in Socialist New Party?
    By P.J. Gladnick
    Wed, 10/08/2008 - 15:15 ET

    In June sources released information that during his campaign for the State Senate in Illinois, Barack Obama was endorsed by an organization known as the Chicago "New Party". The 'New Party' was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. The admittedly Socialist Organization experienced a moderate rise in numbers between 1995 and 1999. By 1999, however, the Socialist 'New Party' was essentially defunct after losing a supreme court challenge that ruled the organizations "fusion" reform platform as unconstitutional.

    After allegations surfaced in early summer over the 'New Party's' endorsement of Obama, the Obama campaign along with the remnants of the New Party and Democratic Socialists of America claimed that Obama was never a member of either organization. The DSA and 'New Party' then systematically attempted to cover up any ties between Obama and the Socialist Organizations. However, it now appears that Barack Obama was indeed a certified and acknowledged member of the DSA's New Party.

    On Tuesday, I discovered a web page that had been scrubbed from the New Party's website. The web page which was published in October 1996, was an internet newsletter update on that years congressional races. Although the web page was deleted from the New Party's website, the non-profit Internet Archive Organization had archived the page.

    From the October 1996 Update of the DSA 'New Party':
    "New Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs, and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall. Here are some of our key races...

    Illinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)."

    You can find the above quote from the scubbed New Party web page at this Internet Archive Organization link. More confirmation of Obama's membership in the New Party can be found at an article in the November 1996 Progressive Populist magazine:

    New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City Council, a seat on the county board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George's County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory. New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago.

    The Democratic Socialist Party of America also reported on Obama's New Party membership in its July/August 1996 edition:

    The Chicago New Party is increasely becoming a viable political organization that can make a different in Chicago politics. It is crucial for a political organization to have a solid infrastructure and visible results in its political program. The New Party has continued to solidify this base.

    First, in relation to its infrastructure, the NP's membership has increased since January '95 from 225 to 440. National membership has increased from 5700 in December '95 to 7000. Currently the NP's fiscal balance is $7,000 and receives an average of $450/month is sustainer donations.

    Secondly, the NP's '96 Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed candidates winning electoral primaries. All four candidates attended the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude. Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to join his Campaign Steering Committee. Patricia Martin, who won the race for Judge in 7th Subcircuit Court, explained that due to the NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration. The lone loser was Willie Delgado, in the 3rd Illinois House District. Although Delgado received 45% of the vote, he lost by only 800 votes. Delgado commented that it was due to the NP volunteers that he carried the 32nd Ward. Delgado emphasized that he will remain a visible community activist in Humbolt Park. He will conduct four Immigration workshops and encouraged NP activists to get involved.

    Kudos to Politically Drunk On Power for digging up this information about Obama's membership in the socialist New Party. The question now is if the MSM will deem his party membership important enough to report on. They sure didn't hesitate to report on Todd Palin's membership in the Alaska Independence Party.

    UPDATE: Yet more proof of Obama's close involvement in the socialist New Party from NewsBusters' Hermano who provided this link to the Chicago Democratic Socialists of American September-October 1995 New Ground 42 edition:

    About 50 activists attended the Chicago New Party membership meeting in July. The purpose of the meeting was to update members on local activities and to hear appeals for NP support from four potential political candidates. The NP is being very active in organization building and politics. There are 300 members in Chicago. In order to build an organizational and financial base the NP is sponsoring house parties. Locally it has been successful both fiscally and in building a grassroots base. Nationwide it has resulted in 1000 people committed to monthly contributions. The NP's political strategy is to support progressive candidates in elections only if they have a concrete chance to "win". This has resulted in a winning ratio of 77 of 110 elections. Candidates must be approved via a NP political committee. Once approved, candidates must sign a contract with the NP. The contract mandates that they must have a visible and active relationship with the NP.

    The political entourage included Alderman Michael Chandler, William Delgado, chief of staff for State Rep Miguel del Valle, and spokespersons for State Sen. Alice Palmer, Sonya Sanchez, chief of staff for State Sen. Jesse Garcia, who is running for State Rep in Garcia's District; and Barack Obama, chief of staff for State Sen. Alice Palmer. Obama is running for Palmer's vacant seat.

    So Obama signed a contract with the New Party? Verrrry interesting.

    —P.J. Gladnick is a freelance writer and creator of the DUmmie FUnnies blog.

    Read more:
    All emphasis added in original article.

    Now I remember during the elections coming across a webpage that had ALL the parties running for President, which turns out there were numerous candidates. The page listed each candidate with all of their political party affiliations and there were at least 3 that I can recall that were Socialists, 1 Communist, a few Green Party, as well as the popular Republican and Democrat. Almost all of the candidates had more than 1 party affiliation and Obama was no exception. It showed that he belonged to at least 3 that I can recall, and one of them was the Socialist Party. Now maybe it was due to the above article, I don't know, but yes, Obama is a Socialist, as are alot of our elected officials in Washington. But most are also affiliated with other parties outside of the stereotypical DNC and RNC.

    As for the Tea Party... lol... that is actually a political party that also had presidential candidates running in 2008. They really made a name for themselves last year during tax time when there were Tea Parties all across the states, especially on April 15 (tax day). Palin on the other hand... I don't have anything against the woman and I actually appreciate her spirit, however, and the most recent outburst against Rahm Emanuel regarding the use of the word 'retard' is a prime example, she is nowhere near ready to win any sort of election related to the presidency.

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Musici10

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Watari Sat 06 Feb 2010, 12:40 pm

    HA! Knew this would nab your attention Razz Yea I remember that from last year, which is why I said I never really heard of them much except for the past couple of years, to be honest I'm not ever sure when they formed or how long they have been around, I really haven't done much research on them but they also don't really interest me much, I mean Palin is part of them... This is a lady who quit being the Gov. of Alaska to be a freaking commentator on FOX!? I mean come on... FOX!? To me she is just going to try to become the next Rush and she'll be just as annoying in the process "Oh I know everything and I'm always right *Fart* oh Lord who let one rip.. oh that was me." You have to do that with an Elvis Accent, much funnier.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Tradej11

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    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 07 Feb 2010, 1:02 pm

    I didn't know that much about the Tea Party party either, and even after watching Palin on Fox News Sunday this morning, I still can't say I know much about them, other than in summary, it seems the TP was the basis of the founding of this country, while the Dems are pretty much the basis of the hold-overs that still saw Parliamentary ways as being of value. *shrugs* As for when the party formed...
    Wikipedia wrote:The Boston Tea Party is an American political party which espouses a libertarian ideology. The party was founded in 2006 by a group of former Libertarian Party (LP) members who criticized the LP for its "abdication of political responsibilities", saying that "Americans deserve and desperately need a pro-freedom party that forcefully advocates libertarian solutions to the issues of today".

    On September 11, 2008, the libertarian website posted an article by libertarian economist Walter Block, in which the author proclaimed his preference for the candidates of the Boston Tea Party over those of the LP. Block and other libertarians have expressed discomfort over the "unlibertarian" history of the LP's 2008 presidential candidate, Bob Barr, a former Republican congressman.


    The party was founded in response to the Libertarian Party eliminating most of the substance of its party platform at their Oregon convention in 2006.

    Charles Jay, 47, was the party's presidential nominee for the 2008 general election in which he was on the ballot in Florida, Tennessee and Colorado; those states provided 10% of the popular vote in 2004. Also, he was a write-in candidate in more than 10 other states. Thomas L. Knapp was the party's vice presidential nominee. Knapp was also a candidate for U.S. Congress as a Libertarian Party candidate in the same election. However, alternate running mates included Marilyn Chambers (Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah), Barry Hess (Arizona), Dan Sallis, Jr. (Colorado), John Wayne Smith (Florida) and Thomas J. Marino (Washington).

    In the 2008 Presidential Election, the Boston Tea Party's candidate Charles Jay received 2,422 votes, putting him in 15th place.
    Now I know that Wikipedia is not the most reliable of sources but usually you can get a bit better info than this. Neutral However, one of the references posted on the Wiki page lands at "A Brief History of the Boston Tea Party Part 1"

    And what's wrong with FOX? I actually prefer FOX to any of the other networks that don't give you any of the in-depth info, right or wrong. Yes, FOX is without a doubt, more right-wing than not, but at least they don't sit on stuff just to be politically correct and cover the powers-that-be's behinds. (See example in the title of the article I posted: "Will Main Stream Media Report ..." - Answer: Not unless FOX News is considered part of MSM.)

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Musici10

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Watari Sun 07 Feb 2010, 1:25 pm

    Oh you mean besides everything? They may not sit on everything but they are so one sided, they don't tell the whole story, sure I do a lot of quoting from CNN which is notorious for being a liberal news organization but it's only b/c I access that site from work and really the conservative side of politics hasn't been sitting well with me for years, nor have the liberal side, but up until recently I have had really little issues with the liberal side of politics. I always felt that people like Rush and Sean were too arrogant and self absorbed to be taken seriously and maybe it's because FOX supports these talk show personalities that I can't stand them and the fact that they took on Sarah Palin as a commentator also lowers my views on FOX as a whole. Palin is not a smart person, she is a religious zealot and she has her looks... sad as it may seem I believe Alaskan (I wasn't in the state when she got voted in) voted her in for 2 reasons;

    1) We were tired of Frank Murkowski and wanted him out of office

    2) Because Alaska is full of single, like minded men who saw her as a sex symbol and that is what the rest of the nation views her as also.

    She also didn't prove herself to be very politically capable in many of the interviews we saw, she was running for vice president and didn't even look into what it is that a vice president does!! I mean COME ON!! If you're going for a job at least know what you're going to be doing!! When she left office it pissed off a lot of people but at the same time showed her true colors to a lot of people in the state and proved that we made a mistake in electing her to office, we'll be better off without her in politics.

    Oh an actually my favorite site to browse for political news is because you get so many multi-sided stories it's not even funny, my friend and I debate topics on that site for hours sometimes on of my favorite sites to cruise when I'm not busy.
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Tradej11

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 07 Feb 2010, 2:59 pm

    I can't say that I disagree with you much regarding Palin; she is a religious zealot and up until recently, she wasn't very informed politically, on a national level anyway. She is right about the fact that the people are voicing up and the government isn't listening. However, that's not 'her' mantra, but the mantra of the populous that she is just able to voice because of her 'foot in the door' position. I also agree that FOX made a mistake in choosing her to be a commentator because I'm not so sure she will be able to keep her one-sided politics out of it. She's supposed to be a FOX News Analyst, and no one can analyze any situation if they already have their minds made up one way or the other. I also agree with you on Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity - arrogant. While they do present the issues that alot of people wish to be swept under the rug, Rush in particular also tends to talk out his ass not presenting real facts but personal bias, then he slams on it endlessly instead of moving on... very annoying! I can't say much about Hannity because I don't have cable anymore and haven't seen him but twice since Alan Colmes left the show. Who, btw, FOX still employs. Again, FOX does lean more right than any of the other MSM stations, who lean more left but seems to be acceptable. At least FOX has panels of both Republican and Democratic peeps who share the spot at the table to voice their views with a non-partisan commentator. Heck, people want to slam on Hannity and Beck (Limbaugh isn't actually employed by FOX) but CNN has Nancy Grace and MSNBC has Chris Mathews, both of which are extremely one-sided to the left, as are Alan Colmes and Juan Williams of FOX. So being one-sided isn't so much the issue for me as is not getting the whole story... which FOX more than leads any of the other networks at providing. So unless the presidential election polls were rigged and FOX actually represents the past pulse of America, their coverage could actually be the reason their ratings are heads and shoulders above any of the other news networks. But all-in-all, 1) I don't think hiring Palin to be an analyst was a super move on their part, and 2) at least FOX News reported the 'Obama is a Socialist' issue as where the other networks sat on it and did nothing more than condemn FOX for being a 'right-wing tea party movement network'.

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Musici10

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Watari Sun 07 Feb 2010, 3:42 pm

    I think we agree on most parts except for one part and I do have a question on that, how can you get the whole story when you lean more to one side, doesn't the story become bias at that point to the side you lean to? So I guess my point is overall coverage of a story for any MSM network would be a point of view rather than fact, I really don't see any station being able to get the whole story, which is why I'd rather see the story from 3 different viewpoints and formulate my own reasoning behind what's going on.

    BTW That Obama is a Socialist story actually came from CNN which is notorious for it's leftist views and really, the reason I posted up the CNN version is because I felt I got more out of the story than the FOX version, actually funny thing is while I was working out one of the TV monitors had FOX news on and Palin was talking about the Tea Party and so I was listening to it and seriously listening to her speak only made me feel sorry for her kids. The whole time it was "I this, I that, When I did this, and When I did that". She honestly thought she was a great success for the McCain campaign and doesn't feel that her actions were in any way part of the reason American Voters didn't vote for McCain, now grant you I think we might be in a worse state if McCain was voted in but her arrogance is getting up there with Rush.

    BTW side note Palin did end up saying something along the lines that in the current stream of things Obama will not see re-election unless he does something drastic, and I kid you not this is what she suggested Obama do, she stated that in order for Obama to have a hope of re-election he would have to declare War on Iran... OK.. so that right there just furthers the idea that Palin has no clue what the hell she's talking about, we're drowning in debt she said at the Tea Party Key Note but now she's suggesting Obama go to War with Iran.... yea Palin for 2012 my ass...
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Tradej11

    Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist Empty Re: Tea Party Convention organizer: Obama is a socialist

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sun 07 Feb 2010, 5:00 pm

    LOL! Yea, she didn't use quite those same words this morning, but she gave Obama some suggestions about how to get himself re-elected that did deal with foreign policies. In my personal opinion, I don't think McCain would have gotten himself elected even if Palin hadn't been his running mate, unless he had someone who was willing to say more than "look it up" by following it up with 'where' to actually look stuff up at. But yes, again, I agree, she did not do anything to help further McCain, even tho she most definitely made a national name for herself, and agreed... she does seem arrogant and self-centered with all the 'me, me, me... I, I, I' talk mixed in with her 'what is best for the country' schpeel. As for her running in 2012, of course she didn't dismiss the idea but stated that her sights are not set on that because she has 3 years. If she doesn't snap out of her self-absorption, she isn't going to make it even as a senator, should she decide to run for that seat.

    I agree that there is media bias no matter what station you look at, the difference that I have noticed is that at least with FOX you get the story then you get the opinionated spin based upon it. And my personal thoughts on CNN finally coming out with the 'Obama = Socialist' article (which was after it was on FOX since several months ago) goes to this quote > "Obama urged Senate Democrats to stop listening to what he called politically oriented cable television shows on networks such as Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, and instead get out of the Washington 'echo chamber.'" from your post in the "Obama Rips Republicans for Obstruction" thread. And just because CNN is now speaking condescendingly about Obama, it shows that it took them long enough to finally speak the truth because they need the ratings to stay in touch with FOX. A remark like the one Obama made is just too difficult to dismiss as it is a Socialistic 'suggestion' that affects their paychecks, not to mention the fact that it further distances the politicians from the people and shelters Obama and his team of cohorts from the mass media. (Sounds like a spin since it is just my personal opinion based upon other things being said and shown because there is no way to actually prove it.... sorry)

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