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    Updates w/e May 1, 2010

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : Updates w/e May 1, 2010 Tradej11

    Updates w/e May 1, 2010 Empty Updates w/e May 1, 2010

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 01 May 2010, 11:14 am

    Formerly known as 'Anime~Dohyou', Toukai-sha has undergone a major change in its life. There has been expansion in the area of discussion topics that shows a growth stemming from the heart of what Toukai-sha represents to both the individual and world society.

    Society itself holds keys to the baseline of what drives humanity, both the niceties and the insanity. If Ghandi was correct in that we must be the change we wish to see in the world, then what it is in the world that we see? That is a base philosophy of Toukai-sha - uncovering that which is hidden deep within the human psyche, or soul.

    If you wish to share your thoughts or pick the brains of others to uncover what they truly believe, then join us here at Toukai-sha and let your freedom shine forth.

    What we have done here is broken down those topics which compel us all, whether realized or not, to begin our own thought processes, discussions, and debates. A new category of 'Life Sciences' now holds many topics in various sub-forums waiting to be explored. The 'Links' page, which will be forever expanding, gives one a quick jump-start on their research in the life sciences areas as well as the areas in which most of us tend to express our views and values - graphics, music, video, and writing.

    Perhaps the most vital part of this new expansion is the fresh breath of life that has now been breathed into the very heart of what Toukai-sha is all about and for whom it was meant to exist - the jacks and jills of all trades.

    Updates w/e May 1, 2010 Empty Re: Updates w/e May 1, 2010

    Post by Marijane Sat 01 May 2010, 12:42 pm

    I must say, it is looks super nice! I like the changes that we have went through.. I say, nice job, Kyo. Hopefully we start getting more members and more activity around here since you have done so much! Thanks

    Updates w/e May 1, 2010 Empty Re: Updates w/e May 1, 2010

    Post by Brutefox16 Sat 01 May 2010, 9:32 pm

    yay *whistles* The Site looks amazing, these topics are interesting, and I have started inviting people on campus (let me know when they sign up please) Once we get more members this place will be bouncing off the walls again! bounce

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