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    DB's Final Naruto Sub

    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : DB's Final Naruto Sub Tradej11

    DB's Final Naruto Sub Empty DB's Final Naruto Sub

    Post by Kyouri Kai Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:46 pm

    It's been great watching the Dattebayo subs of Naruto but the final DB Naruto sub was released last night with [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. It's sad to see DB go from this series, but all you Bleach fans still have safe haven, for now, knowing that you'll continue receiving quality subs.

    Here's DB's final word on their wrap-up of Naruto:

    DB wrote:Wrapping It Up (Various Topics)

    Hi everyone, interactii here.

    I just wanted to post a PR with a couple housekeeping notes as we continue our shutdown of Naruto subtitling.

    First, thank you to everyone who sent us Christmas cards and letters: thank you, thank you, thank you. They were totally awesome. I read every one, and the other staff are working though them. We received about 400 cards from all over the planet, from 30 miles away to South Korea to South Africa. And people sent some awesome works of art, thank you so much for those, too. We'll continue to have this PO box for a while, so if you feel compelled to write us again, please don't hesitate to.

    Second, to everyone who wrote us and asked, and in some cases begged us to continue subbing Naruto: I'm sorry, we cannot, and will not do that. We have made our decision, our final episode of Naruto has been released, and we've moved the staff to other projects. Please re-read my original PR for more information.

    Third, to those who are writing to us complaining about the quality of the Viz and CrunchyRoll subtitles, or complaining about technical issues: Dattebayo can do nothing about this. We do not have any involvement with Naruto at Viz or CrunchyRoll, and they are no more likely to listen to anything we say than anything you say. Please direct all questions about these services to the respective sites.

    If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the work that Viz and CR are producing, tell them, tell them in clear, polite English, and tell them what you want to see. If enough people complain, there will be change. Dattebayo does offer professional translation services at comparable rates to the rest of the subtitling industry, and would be happy to work on Naruto if approached to do so by the license holder.

    Fourth, to all those complaining that you are not allowed to watch Naruto in your country on Hulu or Joost: You are correct, and you need to read more closely. If you go to CrunchyRoll's site and not to Viz's, most countries in the world can stream Naruto from there. The exceptions are Japan and France. If you live in one of those countries, you will have to find another way to watch Naruto, I'm sorry. This is the internet, you can make it happen.

    Finally, I realize that this will be among the last visits to our site for many of our viewers. Thank you for watching all these years, we hope Dattebayo made your lives a little better.

    DB's Final Naruto Sub Empty Re: DB's Final Naruto Sub

    Post by animeholic_girl Sat 17 Jan 2009, 11:10 am

    This. Is. Just. SAD! ahahah

    I like DB's quality subs. Though I have to say they're a bit arrogant in their PR's, but still, they're doing a good job!
    Kyouri Kai
    Kyouri Kai

    Knowledge : DB's Final Naruto Sub Tradej11

    DB's Final Naruto Sub Empty Re: DB's Final Naruto Sub

    Post by Kyouri Kai Sat 17 Jan 2009, 12:16 pm

    Oh I couldn't agree more that they are an arrogant bunch of nut-asses, but I also agree that their quality is unmatched as far as Naruto goes, anyway. There are other high quality anime out there, so hopefully we'll get someone else that will grab this up and translate the same way as DB did, as that is what I liked the most.

    DB's Final Naruto Sub Empty Re: DB's Final Naruto Sub

    Post by animeholic_girl Sun 18 Jan 2009, 3:01 am

    I'm crossing my fingers on that Kyo-chan! Hopefully, someone would have the guts to give us some quality stuff! Or else.. The manga will rule! Twisted Evil

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